Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn is seeking consensus on the best ways to implement our Aboriginal and treaty rights… for now, and for seven generations to come.

About Us

We work on behalf of the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia in discussions with the Province of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada on how the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia will implement their Treaty Rights, as provided by our ancestors in the covenant chain of Treaties signed in the 1700’s. This site is constantly updated with information, educational materials and ways to provide input and guidance on our work, so please check back regularly.

Mi’kmaq Forestry Initiative

Secured lands near St. Croix and in Digby county which have since become the foundation of the Mi’kmaq Forestry Initiative. These blocks total over 50,000 acres of forested lands. In size, they are more than double the area of all current Mi’kmaq reserves in Nova Scotia put together. Work continues with CMM and UINR on this important initiative.

Coastal Erosion and Burial Grounds on the Bras d’Or
Archaeological Research Division

According to the Assembly’s human remains protocol, ancestors should be left to rest, and their remains should not be disturbed.  KMKNO has taken measures to protect two burial sites that had begun eroding, mostly as a result of storm action.

Mi’kmaq Park Passes
Rights Implementation

The establishment of the Parks Canada Interim Arrangement and Mi’kmaq Park Passes which gives the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia free access to any National Park and National Historic Site in Nova Scotia.

Special Use Agreement Areas
Forestry and Rights Implementation

KMKNO helped to establish Special Use Agreement Areas where lands within National Parks are to be used by the Mi’kmaq, including the development of special management harvesting agreements.  These agreements include the Moose Management Agreement for the Cape Breton Highlands National Park, and a Birch Bark Harvesting Agreement in the Kejimkujik National park.

Key Accomplishments

Learn some of the many accomplishments we have made.

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In 2004 and 2005, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) handed down three landmark decisions that found the Crown (provincial and federal) has a duty to consult with Aboriginal peoples regarding decisions or taking actions that might adversely affect their established or potential Aboriginal rights and Treaty rights (Haida and Taku, 2004, Mikisew Cree,2005).

About Consultation
About Consultation

We have never surrendered, ceded or sold the Aboriginal Title to any lands and resources in Nova Scotia. The lands, waters and resources are tied to who we are.

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What we are Protecting
What we are Protecting

The Mi’kmaq have always had a strong connection to the lands and waters. KMK works under the guidance of the Assembly to promote and protect Mi’kmaq Treaty Rights.

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What we are working on
What we are working on

We currently have over 600 active consultations which include a broad scope of areas in various stages of development.

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Approximate Projects


Rights Implementation

Finding ways to implement Mi’kmaw Treaty Rights in present day is conducted through a series of meetings with the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia, the Province of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada. Mi’kmaw Rights and Title are always protected during these discussions and new modern-day Treaties will never be considered.

How the Process Works

The staff at KMK conducts research and meets with the Mi’kmaw communities and organizations to research a variety of options and approaches to current Aboriginal and Treaty issues, such as land claims and self-governance.  

We then use this research to present facts and information to the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs, who provide direction to KMK. 

Before moving forward, the Chiefs ensure they have the support of their Councils and communities. 

The Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs

The Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs is the highest level of decision making in the Made-In-Nova Scotia Process. All decisions and directions are obtained at this level.

ANSMC Members

ANSMC Members

The ANSMC is an unincorporated association consisting of 13 Mi'kmaw Chiefs from the Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw communities. It meets on a monthly basis to deliberate on issues common to all, and is the aggregate governance institution for the Mi'kmaq in the province. Its work includes providing direction to KMK in the Made-in-Nova Scotia process concerning the implementation of Mi'kmaw Aboriginal and Treaty rights.


KMK is a team of dedicated individuals who work on behalf of the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia. The KMK team takes all their direction from the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs.



KMK’s Archaeology Research Division (ARD) was given the mandate to protect archaeological resources and burials...


The KMK Benefits Department works to ensure Mi’kmaq inclusion and participation in projects happening in...
Child Family Initiative

Child Family Initiative

In 2015, the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs met with the province to discuss the Child...


Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq recognize that quality, affordable energy is important to our communities.


The Mi’kmaq of NS have been working to implement their Treaty right to fish.


For the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia to have our own government – delivering our own...


On September 25, 2020, the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs authorized the creation of...
Cultural Tourism

Cultural Tourism

Building on the growing body of research and work done to develop and grow Mi’kmaq...
Nova Scotia Power Inc.

Nova Scotia Power Inc.

Nova Scotia Power Inc. (NSPI) has been conducting refurbishment work to their hydro dams primarily to be compliant with the Canadian...


The Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia are rights holders over the lands of Nova Scotia. The...


Our Wildlife Department has been very active over the last few years, with special interest...


The main goal of the Lands Department is to provide the Assembly of Nova Scotia...

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This contact form is for general enquiries. Please contact our main office to reach a specific person or department.

Main Address (map)

Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn
75 Treaty Trail, Millbrook, NS  B6L 1W3


888.803-3880 – Toll Free (Main Office)
902.843.3880 – Main Office


902.843.3882 – Main Office


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