KMK Youth


Youth is our next generation. Youth are our future leader’s. Our youth’s voices need to be heard!

Throughout the years we have made positive steps when engaging with our Mi’kmaw Youth. Through many ways such as social media, workshops, conferences, and community events. We work hard to ensure our youth are connected and learning about their Mi’kmaw culture. We also value engaging with youth on different topics and concerns throughout our departments and projects.

Our Communication’s Coordinator here at KMK Waverley Gaudet, plays an important role when connecting youth to these learning experiences. Please see her contact information below if you may have a question or concern regarding youth.

Youth Social Media Pages:



Tik Tok:

Youth Webinars:

In May 2024 we created our Monthly Youth Webinar’s. These webinars are solely for youth and based on the youth’s interests. Throughout this journey we will dive into our different departments here at KMK. Along with other subjects we heard youth are interested in. This journey will be filled with learning, fun and opportunities for you as youth.

Please see below the links to the previous webinars:

The Mi’kmaq Rights Initiative (

Learning About Our Oceans (

Youth Contact List:

Are you a youth and do you want to learn about upcoming youth events, opportunities and more?

Email me at to be added to our Youth Contact List. This way you will never miss anything and all upcoming events, conferences, opportunities, and more will be sent to your mailbox!

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