- The Forestry Advisory Committee, which is made up of representatives from KMKNO, CMM and UINR, brought forward a request to:
- add lands in Cape Breton and Eastern Nova Scotia to the Mi’kmaq Forestry Initiative (MFI) Agreement, and
- for direction from the Assembly to continue the process of parcel selection to achieve the 10,000-hectare goal.
- The Assembly approved both requests.
- An overview was provided on the proposed joint management project between the MFI and the NS Department of Lands and Forestry (L&F). L&F is currently exploring harvest methods that avoid high-removal/clear-cut harvests and would like to partner with the MFI on a project – this aligns with the MFI’s focus on netukulimk and Two-Eyed Seeing. The Assembly supported going ahead on the St. Croix blocks.
- KMKNO informed the Assembly of ongoing discussions with Port Hawkesbury Paper, through the MFI, on creating a free, prior and informed consent protocol. The MFI is hoping to bring a draft protocol forward for the Assembly’s review in the next month or two.
- Chief Andrea Paul spoke on Pictou Landing’s Netukulimk Livelihood Fishery Plan. Chief Paul provided details on their plan development and on how Pictou Landing’s community Livelihood harvest is going thus far. The Assembly approved Pictou Landing’s plan.
- An announcement was made that the Mi’kmaq Native Friendship Centre (MNFC) has received funding to renovate the College Street property, which was obtained through the KMKNO Consultation Process and donated to the MNFC by the Assembly. A media release is to be drafted and issued.
- KMKNO provided an update the Assembly on the Avon River Ministerial Order, which has been held by DFO. KMKNO is working on a letter to the Minister which will be provided to the Assembly for review and approval. An RFP is also currently being developed, by KMKNO and the Mi’kmaw Conservation Group, for a third-party assessment on the Windsor Causeway construction.
- Regional Chief Prosper provided an update from the AFN Regional Office. Chief Norman Bernard was appointed by the Assembly to AFN’s Chiefs Committee on Child and Family Services and Self Determination, as this seat had become vacant when Regional Chief Prosper transitioned into his new position.