Chief Sidney Peters, on behalf of the Assembly, formally welcomed interim Chief Tma Francis, Paqtnkek, and the new Assembly of First Nations’ NS and NL Regional Chief, Paul Prosper.
KMKNO provided an overview of the potential name change for McGowan Lake Wilderness Area and the Pleasant River Wilderness Area. Engagement with Acadia First Nation was conducted on this file and their community members provided two Mi’kmaw names: Katewe’katik and Pu’tlaqne’katik. The Assembly approved these place names being provided to Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Department of Lands and Forestry.
KMKNO and CMM spoke on the request for a Mi’kmaw name for the Mi’kmaq Land Guardian program. The Mi’kmaw Land Guardian Network was established to build a province-wide network of Mi’kmaw land-based stewards who will lead environmental stewardship on Reserve, fee simple and Crown lands, Parks, Wilderness and Protected Areas, and elsewhere. The Assembly selected Nuji kelo’toqatijik as the Mi’kmaw name, and the English name as Earth Keepers.
KMKNO provided an update on the Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas. The Advisory Committee, which has representatives from KMKNO, CMM, UINR and Eskasoni Fish and Wildlife, has raised the need to set up a land corporation that can hold lands for conservation and protection purposes, for the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia. The Assembly also discussed the make up the Board of Directors for this. Chief Rod Googoo and Chief Andrea Paul were appointed as the Assembly’s representatives on this Board.
An update was provided on the Social file. Policy work is well underway with the community Social Development Administrators. The draft Constitution for a new Mi’kmaq institution, dedicated to providing enhanced social programs and services to Mi’kmaq, and others, in need of assistance for basic needs, medical or health, housing and training to transition out of poverty was discussed. The Assembly approved the Constitution.
The Assembly discussed the need to hire a law firm for the Moderate Livelihood Fishery file. The Assembly was previously provided with a short list of lawyers and their biographies for consideration and they directed KMKNO to retain the services of Burchells LLP to act as primary legal counsel, requesting that they work with Gowlings WLG.
KMKNO provided draft information sheets developed for those harvesting for a moderate livelihood. The Chiefs discussed many of the questions that they have been asked by harvesters and how materials need to be developed to answer community members’ questions. The Assembly approved content for a harvester’s information sheet on seizure and returns and requested this to be issued.
Discussion was had on Sipekne’katik’s livelihood fishery plan. Chief Sack requested that KMKNO’s legal team join Sipekne’katik’s legal team to review the work that is being developed by their community.
KMKNO’s Consultation Department provided updates on various files:
A consultation request was received regarding American Eel. KMKNO and UINR have been working on this and a response letter was presented to the Assembly for their review.
A consultation request was received on the proposed sale of lands for the development of a provincial park and golf course in Halifax County. An Archaeological Resource Impact Assessment has been recommended for the entire development area.
An update was provided on the consultation on Highway 101 and the Ministerial Orders on the aboideau and Windsor Causeway. Work continues with KMKNO, MCG and UINR on this file. The Assembly also discussed the safety of the Mi’kmaw water protectors who are onsite.
Extensive discussion was had on Moderate Livelihood fishing, sustainability and the public statements made by non-Indigenous fishers on conservation. The Assembly discussed the plans for Potlotek’s community harvest on October 1st and talked about the status of other Community’s Netukulimk Livelihood Plans and when other communities were hoping to also roll out their community plans.
The Assembly requested an update on the benefits file and for the Benefits Committee to meet in the near future, now that the new Benefits Officer at KMKNO has had time to settle into her new role.