Representatives from Burchells LLP spoke on the provincial restrictions of buying and selling harvests caught under the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed right of moderate livelihood. Legal options were discussed.
The Assembly discussed the appointment of Allister Surrette by the government of Canada to discuss fisheries issues and sought legal opinions from Burchells and KMK on what discussions should be had with Mr. Surrette.
Discussion was had about traps being seized, tampered with, and moved from their original location from Pictou Landing First Nation harvesters. The Chiefs also talked about the concerns for harvesters after shooting incident on the last day of their Livelihood season. Burchells will work with Chief Andrea to further look into the issue and KMK had been asked to draft a letter to DFO.
KMK brought forward feedback from community engagement sessions and Nationhood Conference on the justice system and in turn, the Justice Portfolio. KMK recommended the establishment of a Justice Advisory Committee and the development of communications and engagement plans for justice. The Assembly approved this work moving forward.
KMK provided a presentation on point-of-sale tax exemption issues, existing Canada Revenue Agency rules, and suggestions of how we can move forward. Chief Norman Bernard said that Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq is working on this item and requested that the organizations work together. The Assembly appointed Chief Bob Gloade as the Lead to oversee the Point-of-Sale Tax Exemption file. The Assembly also directed KMK to issue a letter to retailers in Nova Scotia.
KMK provided an update on the work of the Youth Coordinators and their plans for 2021. The Assembly approved their community engagement plan. Chief Deborah Robinson brought forward the importance to also engage our community Elders.
KMK advised the Assembly that the option to obtain a commercial property in Port Hawkesbury is being discussed with the two closest communities and their decision will be brought back to the Assembly at their next meeting.
KMK provided an update to the Assembly of upcoming KMK job postings.
KMK informed the Assembly that the Request for Proposals (RFP) for a third-party engineering assessment on the Avon River Aboiteau was issued publicly in December.
Regional Chief Prosper provided an update from AFN and their recent virtual Annual General Meeting. Jennifer Copage was recently hired as Regional Chief Prosper’s Executive Assistant. The Assembly spoke about the need to meet, as a collective, with the candidates for the position of Premier of Nova Scotia.
The Assembly requested that KMK developing an RFP for an independent organizational review.