KMK provided an update on the Nova Scotia Power Smart Meter install. In September 2020, a community session was conducted and recorded. KMK requested permission to post the video publicly. The link to the video was sent to the Assembly for their review first.
KMK brought back the recommended land acquisitions for the 2020-2021 negotiations lands. These lands will be held in trust by the Province of Nova Scotia, until such time an agreement is made with the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia to take those lands over. The Chiefs agreed to proceed with the lands recommended by the Land Department.
The Assembly reviewed and discussed proposals received through a RFP process to conduct an organizational review of KMK.
Representatives from the Halifax Regional Municipality presented their Indigenous Engagement Plan.
Burchells LLP and their invited guests presented a potential investment opportunity for the Assembly to discuss.
Burchells LLP provided an update on cannabis legislation. KMK will follow up with communities to have further discussion with Chiefs and Councils on this.
KMK provided an update on the responses to the RFP issued on the Avon River. Juniper Law spoke on the Avon River Ministerial Order legal options and the Assembly directed KMK to work with Juniper Law on this issue.
KMK presented on the Wmɨtkik discussions which is focused on how the Mi’kmaq can respectfully share resources in Mi’kma’ki. The Assembly requested that KMK reach out to communities to further discuss.
KMK provided an update on what is being done in communities to help support the communities building Netukulimk Livelihood Plans for 2021.
Regional Chief Prosper provided an update from AFN and requested input on discussion points from the Chiefs for his upcoming meeting with the Premier of Nova Scotia.
The Assembly discussed the appointment of the new Premier in Nova Scotia and the renaming of the Office of Aboriginal Affairs to the Office of L’nu Affairs.
A request was brought forward from a Mi’kmaw Lawyer on legal fees. The Assembly recommended that the request go to the individual’s Chief and Council for their direction first.
Grand Chief Sylliboy provided an update on a meeting he had recently with Senator Christmas.