On behalf of the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (CMM) Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCA) team, KMK presented on their desire to focus work on one specific area at a time. CMM has recommended that they focus on the Mersey Corridor first to move IPCAs forward effectively and meaningfully, one site at a time. The Assembly approved this approach.
KMK provided an update on the implementation of the Ministerial Order (MO) for the Avon River. Where the MO is being reassessed and reissued every two weeks, the Assembly has asked that KMK closely monitor and be prepared should they need to challenge any future decisions on the MO.
Burchells LLP spoke on the Fish Buyer RegulatoryProgram in Nova Scotia and its impacts tolivelihood fishing rights. Afterprovidinglegal recommendations for next steps. The Assembly approved moving forward, as advised by Burchells.
Burchells LLP also provided a legal opinion on the Fisheries Act and Regulations. Discussions were had on whether the Assembly wants to move forward with addressing this legally. The Chiefs decided to take this back to their individual Chiefs and Councils for discussion with themfirst.
Chief Carol Potterspoke on the meetings and discussions that they have been having on theircommunity fisheries. Bear River First Nation has been working on fisheries independently, but they would like to discuss a plan for how they can move forward, alongside the Assembly and KMK, while still looking at what is best for their community members. The Assembly agreed with this plan.
Chief Carol Potter, Chief Deborah Robinson, and Chief Gerald Toney, spoke on the approach that they would like to take for Netukulimk Livelihood Fisheriesfor the full Kespukwitk District. The three Kespukwitk communities are proposing a district-based management approach, not to exclude fellow districts and communities, but to ensure that the stewardship responsibilities for the lands, waters and resources are managed, relying on Mi’kmaw laws and ancient principles. The Assembly supported the KespukwitkDistrict plan.
Burchells LLP provided an update on previous discussions on an investment opportunity. The Assembly requested that KMK Benefits Department and Burchells work together to research the opportunity further.
Regional Chief Prosper provided an update from the office of the Assembly of First Nation. He also spoke about upcoming meetings booked for the Chiefs attendance.
Chief Annie Bernard-Daisley spoke on the funding needs of the Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association (NSNWA) and asked for the Chiefs support in writing a letter to Canadato reinstate their core funding. The Assembly asked that KMK and NSNWA association to work together to draft a letter. Chief Bernard-Daisley also wants the Chiefs support to look into why NSNWA is seen as a taxable organization. The Chiefs agreed that this needs to be looked into.
Chief Annie Bernard-Daisley also spoke on the concerns of human trafficking and her upcoming meeting with the leading officer to discuss this issue. She asked if they could make a presentation to the Assembly at a future meeting. The Assembly agreed that KMK and NSNWA association would work together to coordinate this.