October 17, 2018
As Canada moves forward with the legalization of cannabis, the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Chiefs (Assembly) recognizes the importance of participating in the industry.
The Assembly sees this as a Governance issue as Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 affirms the Assembly has the right to self-govern; This includes the ability to develop laws that address health, law and order, and control of intoxicants on reserve. The Assembly has been looking at ways to address the health and medical issues associated with cannabis and to the development of educational and intervention programs in our Mi’kmaq communities. It is also the goal of the Assembly to work with the Province of Nova Scotia to address access to quality tested, safe and legal cannabis for the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia.
“Our communities suffer high levels of addiction and the opioid crisis is a significant problem,” said Chief Mike Sack, Assembly’s Cannabis Portfolio Lead. “Our Health Directors advise us that easily accessible legal cannabis will have a positive impact to addiction in our communities.”
The Assembly has spent a number of months carefully reviewing the economic impacts that participation in the cannabis industry could have for our communities, how it could positively impact the financial capacity of our communities and what will need to be done, from a health perspective, for the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia.
“The legalization of cannabis presents not only a means to address health and safety issues, but also economic development opportunities for our communities,” continued Chief Sack. “It is always our goal to create economic opportunities that will ultimately better the lives of the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia.”
The Assembly has been looking into different cannabis ventures and has been in discussion with potential partners. The Assembly hopes to make an announcement in the coming days of the outcome of those discussions.