Assembly Highlights – June 2024

  • KMK presented on the community feedback they received for the provincial justice report and amendments they would like to make to the federal justice report that was previously developed. The Assembly talked about the need for a more holistic approach to justice in our communities and for community members and mental health concerns. The Assembly approved both the federal and province justice reports.
  • Discussion was had about Maw-Kleyu’kik Knijannaq (MKK) and Mi’kmaw Family and Children’s Services (MFCS) issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for their transformational planning and law implementation. The Chiefs agreed with the RFP being issued and suggested that a Memorandum of Understanding be developed for MKK and MFCS to outline how they will work together going forward.
  • Discussion was had on the Maritime Launch Spaceport, a project proposed for Canso, Nova Scotia. The Assembly agreed to move forward with a Mutual Benefits Agreement with Maritime Launch.
  • KMK spoke about Terms of Reference that have been developed to establish a Fisheries Advisory Committee with the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (CMM) and the Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq (UNSM). This Committee would be tasked to work together on the Treaty Rights Protected fisheries, including developing Mi’kmaw fisheries law and codes. The Grand Chief talked about the issues that harvesters are having on the waters. The Assembly agreed to the signing of the Terms of Reference and directed the Committee to look at developing a community-built framework.
  • KMK provided an update on the work with Parks Canada to develop a co-governance and management plan and board. A name was suggested for this arrangement by the late Joe B. Marshall. The Assembly approved the name and that community communications on this work can begin.
  • Regional Chief Andrea Paul was seeking a Chief from Unama’ki to sit on her board. Chief John Bernard was appointed to this seat.
  • Chief Wilbert Marshall spoke about the cost of a new wharf for the Potlotek St. Anne’s Mission. Grand Chief spoke about the need to repair and make the ramp and wharf wheelchair accessible.
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