Chief Wilbert Marshall asked that an option be added to all future KMK job applications where applicants can identify as Mi’kmaw, not just Indigenous. The KMK team will follow up with their Human Resources department to see that is added to all future postings.
Regional Chief Andrea Paul thanked everyone for their support and attendance at the recent Special Chiefs Assembly in Ottawa. Regional Chief also spoke about the National Chief’s Childrens Committee and Chief Deborah Robinson and Chief Michelle Glasgow were selected to sit on this committee for the region. Regional Chief also spoke about upcoming strategic planning for the regional office.
KMK’s Governance team presented on the Wula Na Kinu Initiative progress to date and sought new appointments to the Enrollment Committee as their term had ended. Names were brought forward for some of the vacancies and the Assembly requested a call to be issued for the youth seat. KMK also spoke about the proposed amendments to the Wula Na Kinu policy based upon feedback heard from community. That work will come back to Assembly in the new year.
KMK’s Archeology team spoke about the need for an archaeological protections process for developments in communities and the ability to care for the Mi’kmaw archaeological heritage that may result from this work. The Assembly expressed support for KMK to draft a proposed process/toolkit for Chiefs and Councils to consider using in their communities.
KMK discussed the draft Toqi’maliaptmu’k Arrangement with Parks Canada. Most Band Council Resolutions have been received but a few are still needed to accept the Arrangement. Next steps will include discussions on implementation, communication with communities and looking into who will participate on behalf of the Nation in the new co-governance boards and technical committees.