Assembly Highlights – January 2025

  • Chief Terrance Paul was welcomed back as a member of the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs.
  • KMK discussed appointing individuals to the Wula Na Kinu Enrollment Committee as the current term has ended. Discussion was had on filling vacant spots for a youth and a single parent representative. The Assembly approved Isaiah Bernard for the youth seat and requested additional time to find the appropriate single parent representative.
  • KMK presented the Mi’kmawitasik website to Assembly, along with and the new community road signs developed to showcase Mi’kmawitasik members from each community. The Assembly approved the road signs being installed by Rise Results and discussed how the signs will be displayed.
  • Chief Bob Gloade spoke about Millbrook wanting to lead consultation on the Scotiaport project – a proposed project inland rail terminal. The Assembly agreed with the request.
  • An overview of the Pemsik conservation project in Kespukwitk was presented, along with a request for the Assembly to support a feasibility study for the project. The Assembly suggested a site visit later in the summer and requested more information about the project and time to discuss the feasibility study with their councils.
  • Chief Gerald Toney provided an update on the fisheries file and the desire to see all communities work together on the elver fishery. The Assembly agreed that a meeting be held where all communities have representatives in attendance to discuss community plans and how we can move forward together, as a Nation.
  • KMK provided update on Maw-kleyu’kik Knijannaq (MKK). The draft customary code will be sent to the Chiefs and their legal counsels for review, with the hope of capturing any changes or feedback before March 31, 2025.
  • KMK presented the draft Nationhood Conference agenda and spoke about having youth representation at the conference.
  • Discussion was also had on doing a public call for members to form a Youth Assembly. KMK will issue the call for youth representatives on the Assembly’s behalf.
  • KMK provided an update on the Centralization project and the research that is still being conducted. Since the last update to the Assembly, a contractor has been hired to compile documents and develop a report.
  • The Assembly discussed cannabis and revisited a previously drafted cannabis regime initially created to help communities set up their own cannabis stores or license individual retailers on reserve. The original intent was to establish common principles that each community could use within their own laws for cannabis sales. The Assembly requested that the regime be shared again, and a discussion be had at a future Assembly meeting.
  • Regional Chief Andrea Paul provided an update on upcoming events and sought feedback on AFN strategic planning. Regional Chief also discussed a meeting with Grand Council, with Senator Prosper helping to facilitate that session.
  • KMK provided an update on the in-stream tidal energy site visit which is being coordinated in Scotland for April 2025.
  • Bruce Clarke provided an update on WMA and investment projects they are currently working on.


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