FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 7, 2023 Yesterday Prime Minster Trudeau announced that Governor General, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, appointed Regional Chief Paul (PJ) Prosper to the Canadian Senate. The Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs would like to congratulate PJ on this announcement. “It is a great
Assembly Highlights – June 29, 2023
Chief Bernard-Daisley brought up the amount of violence in the Mi’kmaw communities and how something has to be done about it. District Chief Sherry Pictou echoed her concerns and spoke about bylaw enforcement and preventative measures. Kji-Keptin Denny voiced concerns about racism in the justice system. KMK’s Executive Director spoke
Assembly offers condolences to the family and friends of Daniel Paul
June 29, 2023 The Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs extends condolences to the family and friends of Mi’kmaw Elder and historian, Dr. Daniel N. Paul, C.M., O.N.S., O.C. Elder Dr. Paul was best known for dedicating his life to advocating for the history of the Mi’kmaw Nation and the
KMK Newsletter – Spring 2023
Our Spring 2023 Newsletter! Click the link below to read the full issue of our Spring 2023 Newsletter KMK Newsletter – Spring 2023
Assembly Calls for Avon River Ministerial Order to be Reinstated
June 13, 2023 On June 1, the Nova Scotia Provincial Emergency Management Office announced they would be closing the gates at the Avon causeway in Windsor, to re-establish a reservoir (Lake Pisiquid) for possible wildfire suppression. This quickly shifted into concern over dry hydrants located above the Avon causeway. While