- Chief Annie Bernard-Daisley directed KMK to draft a letter from the Assembly to Chief Kyra Wilson, Long Plain First Nation to express support on the return of their missing women.
- The Assembly heard a presentation from representatives of the Everwind Fuels Project. Project partners will include Paqtnkek, Membertou and Potlotek.
Robert Bernard, NS Indigenous Tourism Network, and Christianna Scott, Air Canada, spoke on the development of a land acknowledgement plaque. The land acknowledgement, once approved, will be displayed at Air Canada’s offices at the Halifax Stanfield International Airport and will be shared at events in Nova Scotia to create awareness and recognition of the true history of the land. Changes to the draft language and Mi’kmaw translation were suggested. It was asked that the revised content comes back to Assembly in January 2023 for approval.
KMK provided an update on the implementation of community Netukulimk Livelihood Fisheries Plans and the data collected to date. - The Assembly discussed boat and equipment that had recently been seized from a Potlotek harvester fishing under their community plan. The Assembly also discussed the current case before the courts in Potlotek v. Canada. The Assembly’s legal counsel provided recommendations on both situations and decision was made to discontinue the Potlotek case. Direction was given to KMK to issue media releases on both matters.
- KMK provided a presentation on the Regional Assessment (RA) being conducted by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) on offshore wind in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland & Labrador. This RA will assist in informing future decision making for offshore wind projects. The Assembly also discussed putting forward names of individuals to participate in the Regional Assessment Steering Committee.
- Chief Leroy Denny spoke about centralization and how it still impacts our Mi’kmaw communities today. He and Chief Michelle Glasgow have been discussing the matter and the overcrowding their communities are experiencing. Chief Denny also spoke about how the stories of the Elders who were directly impacted by centralization need to be captured. The Assembly discussed that APC was working on getting a formal apology on centralization, but the Assembly discussed them taking the lead on this. Chief Denny and Chief Glasgow will take the lead on the file, but the discussion will come back to Assembly in 2023.
- AFN Regional Chief Prosper provided an update on the special Chiefs meeting that took place in Ottawa early in December, the regional caucus session, and discussed upcoming symposiums scheduled for 2023.
Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources (UINR) issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from firms and individuals interested in assisting with the development of a strategic plan for a multi-dimensional biocultural connectivity (land, sky, sea) for the Kluskap IPCA to the Bras d’Or Lake Biosphere Reserve. The successful consultant has been retained and the study will be completed at the end of March 2023. The Assembly also approved UINR lands to establish two connectivity corridors as part of the Kluskap Cave IPCA.