- Discussion was had regarding Gaspereau Lake (Pasi’tuek) Dam Refurbishment Project as a result recent public interest. A few community members came to the Assembly meeting to ask questions about the project and the Chiefs had a discussion with them about the project and how it has been on hold since 2021.
- KMK presented the UNDRIP Final Report and Recommendations, based upon the priorities and concerns heard in community sessions on the implementation of UNDRIP. The Assembly accepted the report and recommendations and approved KMK submitting the report to Justice Canada for inclusion in the National UNDRIP Implementation Action Plan.
- KMK presented the Mimaju’nsuti (Mi’kmaw Forestry Initiative) logo design. The Assembly supported the proposed logo design.
- Representatives of Mount Saint Vincent University presented on the Kinu Tourism and Hospitality Management Program. The program aims to create more opportunity for Indigenous students and graduates to be employed in tourism businesses, become entrepreneurs in their communities, and tourism educators. The first cohort for this new program begins in 2024.
- The Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association (NSNWA) updated the Assembly on the Tiny Home Project. This project will create a partnership with the First Nation community to provide a readied lot to build on, with water, sewer, maintenance of the building and lot. Funding has been secured through the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA) to build one tiny home in each of the 13 Mi’kmaw communities throughout the province. In-kind funding is being asked of communities. Chief Sidney Peters will continue this conversation with NSNWA.
- MP, Jaime Battiste spoke to Chiefs about concerns he has regarding recent electoral boundary change removing Eskasoni and Wagmatcook from his riding. The Assembly will continue the discussion on this issue once further information is available.
- KMK provided updates on the Fisheries file. Two letters were requested to be sent from the Assembly.
- Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Regional Chief Prosper provided updates on the upcoming AFN AGA in July and ongoing legal matters. Cole Rheaume also spoke on the upcoming activities at the AGA.