Assembly Highlights – April 25, 2024

  • On behalf of Chief Potter, KMK provided details on the Seven Paddles Canoe project, which will restore the traditional canoe route from Bear River to Kejimkujik. The project will help reconnect the community to the area and become an eco-tourism opportunity. Three sites have been identified along the route to develop lodges to accommodate those using the route. The Assembly expressed support for the project and the transfer of lands from the province for the three lodge sites.
  • KMK provided an update on the moose population survey conducted both inside and outside the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. The Assembly requested that communication pieces be developed to inform community members about the survey results. KMK will also be planning a moose symposium in the coming months.
  • Minister Brian Wong, Nova Scotia Office of L’nu Affairs, met with the Assembly to introduce himself formally and listen to their concerns. The Assembly addressed several issues with the minister, including the lack of resources at the Jane Paul Centre, outdated language in government documents and websites, provincial tax exemptions, the buying and selling of Crown land, and online gaming.
  • The Tawaak Housing Association provided a presentation on its history and board. They are an urban native housing association with 146 units and works towards providing affordable housing to Indigenous students and Elders. The Assembly discussed affordable student housing, property management services, and developing future housing projects with Tawaak. Chief Glasgow was invited to join Chief Peters and Chief Marshall as a board member.
  • KMK provided a follow-up presentation on the revised Mi’kmaw Archeological Protocols. Following numerous community discussions, the protocols were updated to and a new section on formal procedures for handling sacred items was written and included. The Assembly approved the Mi’kmaw Archeological Protocols and would like to see the full document translated into the Mi’kmaw language.
  • Regional Chief Paul updated the Assembly on recent events she attended and upcoming events she and the Assembly are invited to. She also discussed the need for portfolio leads for national committees. This also led to discussions on updating the Assembly’s portfolios.
  • KMK Consultation Department discussed possibly forming a community liaisons committee for Atlantic mining operations. Discussions were also had about an upcoming workshop on cultural species that Parks Canada is organizing.
  • KMK also brought forth a whale sanctuary project that aims to provide a safe haven for whales retired from captivity. The Assembly approved a letter of support be written on their behalf, for this project.
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